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人教版初二英语下期期末听力训练题 A)听下面10段对话,每段对话有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。每段对话读两篇。...



1. What does Jim think Ann will be in five years?

A. A teacher. B. A scientist. C. A doctor.

2. What’s wrong with Mike?

A. He has a bad cough. B. He has a bad cold. C. He has a bad toothache.

3. What was Tina doing when she saw a UFO?

A. She was walking down a street.

B. She was talking with her friends.

C. She buying souvenirs.

4. What did their science teacher say?

A. He said Mary was a good student.

B. He said Mary could do better.

C. He said Mary was a lazy student.

5. What will happen if Lily wears jeans to the party?

A. The teacher will ask her to leave.

B. Other students will call her parents.

C. Other students won’t let her in. 

6. How long has Lambert been swimming?

A. About two and a half hours. B. About one and a half hours.

C. About two hours.

7. What does the woman mean?

A. The man should have a rest. B. The man shouldn’t dance in the building.

C. The man shouldn’t run in the building.

8. Which gift does the man think is better?

A. A calendar. B. Some flowers. C. A red coat.

9. Where has Tina been?

A. A space museum. B. An amusement park. C. An aquarium.

10. Have the man played tennis before?

A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasn’t. C. We don’t know.


Dialogue 1  

11. How does the woman collect stamps?

A. She buys them in the post office or exchanges them with others.

B. She buys them all.

C. She borrows them from others.

12. How long has she collected stamps?

A. For seven years. B. For several years. C. For several days.

13. What does she think of collecting stamps?

A. Interesting. B. Popular. C. Boring.

Dialogue 2

14. Where are they talking?

A. At an airport. B. At a supermarket. C. At a train station.

15. How much is the ticket?

A. It’s 54 yuan. B. It's 32 yuan. C. It’s 23 yuan.

16. When will the train leave?

A. At 11:30. B. At 12:30. C. At 12:00.

Dialogue 3

17. Who makes the telephone call?

A. Fred. B. Tom. C. Alice.

18. What does Fred want to do?

A. Go for a walk. B. Go for a picnic. C. Go to a park.

19. How is the weather tomorrow?

A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.

20. Where will they meet?

A. At the school gate. B. At the park gate. C. At home.


21. How old was the woman?

A. More than 40. B. More than 30. C. Less than 30.

22. What were they talking about on the train?

A. The man’s son. B. The woman’s son. C. The woman’s husband.

23. Did the woman know the man well?

A. Yes, they were friends. B. No, he was just a worker on the train.

C. No, they met for the first time.

24. What did the man think of the woman’s son?

A. He was a bad man. B. He was outgoing. C. He was a good young man.

25. How old was the woman’s son?

A. Five months old. B. Five weeks old. C. Five years old.



1. W: Jim, what do you think Ann will be in five years?

  M: I think she’ll be a doctor.

2. W: What’s the matter, Mike?

  M: I cough terribly.

  W: Sorry to hear that.

3. M: I heard that Tina saw a UFO entering a souvenir shop.

  W: Yes. At that time she was walking down a street.

4. M: Mary, what did your science teacher say?

  W: He said I could do better if I studied harder.

5. W: I want to wear jeans to the party.

  M: You can’t do that, Lily. If you do that, other students won’t let you in.

6. W: Lambert, how long have you been swimming?

  M: About two and a half hours, I think.

7. W: Would you mind not running in the building? We are having an English lesson.

  M: Sorry, I won’t do it again.

8. W: Teacher’s day is coming. What should we get for our teacher, a red coat or some flowers?

  M: I think flowers are better. I believe she’ll like them.

9. M: Tina, have you ever been to an amusement park?

  W: No, but I’ve been to a space museum.

10. W: You have never played tennis before, have you?

   M: No, I haven’t. I can’t play tennis.


Dialogue 1

M: Your hobby is collecting stamps. How do you collect them?

W: Sometimes I buy them in the post office and sometimes we exchange stamps with each other.

M: How long have you been collecting them?

W: For several years. When I was young, I liked to look for many stamps. I think it’s an interesting thing to collect them.

Dialogue 2

M: Hello, Miss Wang.

W: Hello. It’s already 11:30. Shall we buy the tickets now?

M: Oh, yes. Let Li Ming do it. Do you know how much a ticket is?

W: 54 yuan each if we take the T32 train.

M: When will the train leave?

W: It will leave in an hour.

Dialogue 3

M: Hello! May I speak to Alice, please?

W: Speaking.

M: Alice, this is Fred. Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic tomorrow morning?

W: Great! But what’s the weather like tomorrow? You see, it’s cloudy today.

M: Don’t worry. The radio says it will be sunny tomorrow.

W: Good! Shall we go there at a quarter past seven?

M: Let’s make it a little earlier. How about a quarter to seven? We’ll meet at the park gate.

W: All right. See you then.

M: See you.


A man was talking with a woman on a train. The woman was over 30 years old. “Do you have a family?” the man asked. “Yes, I have a son,” the woman answered. “Oh, really?” said the man, “Does he smoke?” “No.” “That’s good. I don’t smoke, either. And does your son fight with others?” “Oh, no,” the woman answered at once, “He never fights.” “Well,” the man said, “ He is  a good young man. And how old is he?” “Oh, he’s five months old now,” the woman said with a smile.


1-5  CAABC  6-10 ACBAB  11-15 ABACA  16-20 BABAB  21-25 BBCCA



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