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初中英语语法:形容词副词综合练习题(二) 1. Don’t worry, sir. I’m sure I can run _________ to catch up with them.A. slowly enough B. enough sl...


1. Don’t worry, sir. I’m sure I can run _________ to catch up with them.

A. slowly enough  B. enough slowly  C. fast enough  D. enough fast

2. Of the two Australian students, Masha is ________ one. I think you can find her easily.

A, tallest     B, the taller     C. taller       D. the tallest

3. It’s such an ________ film that all the students are ______ in it.

A. interesting; interested  B. interested; interesting 

C. interesting; interesting  D. interested; interested;

4. Mingming got up very _______,so he came to school half an hour ______.

A. late; lately  B. lately; late  C. lately; lately  D. late; late

5. I am ________ worried about y parents’ healthy conditions.

A. some times  B. sometime  C. sometimes  D. some times

6. We don’t have ________ every day.

A. a lot of school works  B. many school work  C. any school works  D. much school work

7. –Look! How fast the two horses are running!

  --Oh, yes! They are nearly _______.

A. up and down  B. slower and slower  C. more or less  D. neck and neck

8. ______ children there are in family,_______ their life will be.

A. The less; the better  B. The fewer; the better  C. Fewer; richer  D. More; poorer

9. Most of the people in Guangdong are getting ________.

A. more and more rich  B. more rich and more rich  C. richer and richer  D. richer and richest

10. Which lesson is _______, this one or that one?

A. difficult  B. much difficult  C. more difficult  D. the most difficult

11. “A ______ accident happened at 7:30 a.m.” said the policeman _______.

A. serious, serious  B. seriously, seriously  C. seriously, serious  D. serious, seriously

12. ________ is it from our school to Lupu Bridge?

A. How long  B. How often  C. How far  D. How much

13. In our city, it is ______ in July, but it is even _______ in August.

A. hotter; hottest  B. hot; hot  C. hotter; hot  D. hot; hotter

14. This pencil is ______ that one.

A. so long as  B. as longer as  C. longer than  D. not as longest as

15. The station is two kilometers _______ the hospital.

A. away to  B. far away  C. far from  D. away from

16. Beijing has ______ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.

A. so  B. very  C. too  D. much

17. This box is ______ heavy ________ I can’t carry it.

A. too, to  B. so, that  C. very, that  D. too, that

18. India has the second _______ population in the world.

A. larger  B. most  C. smallest  D. largest

19. Mary received ________ many postcards at Christmas.

A. so  B. such  C. too  D. even

20. The cake smells ______. Please throw it away.

A. good  B. badly  C. bad  D. well


1-5 CBADC  6-10  DDBCC   11-15 DCDCD  16-20 ABDAC



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