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编辑:管理员  时间:2022-06-24 07:05:51  浏览:1480
书面表达 关于创建平安校园英语作文 建设平安校园,安全你我他。谈谈你是如何做的?(字数80词左右)要点:1. 遵守学校纪律,不迟到早退。2....





1. 遵守学校纪律,不迟到早退。

2. 不在校园、楼道追逐打闹。

3. 同学之间和睦相处,不打架斗殴。

4. 不乱吃零食,不吃不健康的食品。

5. 遇到困难,或紧急事件立即想老师反映。

6. 告别陋习,文明待人。


School is our home, we are all living and studying in the school. In order to make ourselves safe, as a student, we should obey the school rules, we should go to school on time and never be late. We should not chase each other in the hallway and in the campus. We should get on well with others and should not fight with others. We should not eat the food that goes bad and some junk food. When you have any questions to ask, you may ask the teachers for help. Especially, when you meet someone asking for money, you needn't be afraid, you can report it to the teacher at once. We are required to say goodbye to bad habits and be polite to others.


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