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[误] He is same age as Tom.[正] He is the same age as Tom.[析] the same…as是固定的用法,其中定冠词the是不可省也不能换成别的词的。[误] Moth...

[误] He is same age as Tom.

[正] He is the same age as Tom.

[析] the same…as是固定的用法,其中定冠词the是不可省也不能换成别的词的。

[误] Mother and her daughter are exactly like.

[正] Mother and her daughter are exactly alike.

[析] like作为介词,其意为"像",应用于 look like, be like, sound like, 其后要加宾语。而alike是形容词,或副词,如: You and I think alike. The twins are dressed alike. 但alike仅作表语而不能用于名词前作定语。

[误] Who is taller of the two?

[正] Who is the taller of the two?

[析] 两者的比较级之前要加定冠词。

[误] I have less books than Tom.

[正] I have fewer books than Tom.

[析] less 是 little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。less后应加不可数名词而fewer后是可数名词。

[误] There are three girls in my group. The cleverer is Mary.

[正] There are three girls in my group. The cleverest is Mary.

[析] 在两者之间应用比较级,在三者之间或三者以上的范围内应用最高级。

[误] The boy sat there as quiet as his sister.

[正] The boy sat there as quietly as his sister.

[析] as…as的用法要注意的是:①在其中间应加形容词或副词的原级,而不可加比较级,也有的语法书中称为同级比较。②要根据句意决定是加形容词还是副词,这要看它具体是修饰动词还是名词而定,如:He is as good as his friend.

[误] The harder you study, and you can learn more.

[正] The harder you study, the more you can learn.

[析] 英文中如果要表达越来越怎样,在初中范围有两种表达法:①比较级+and+比较级。②定冠词+比较级……,如:The nights are getting longer and longer。 要注意的是多音节形容词的比较级前要加more,这样的用法是:more and more 加形容词,如:The girl is growing more and more beautiful.

[误] Studying physics is not so interesting as to learn English.

[正] Studying physics is not so interesting as learning English.

[析] 在作比较时,英语一般要求对比的两部分结构应一致。如用动名词,应都用动名词,用不定式时则都用不定式。但有时在后一个不定式前的符号to可以省略。如:To repair the old one is as much expensive as (to) buy a new one.

[误] The girl is more cleverer than the boy.

[正] The girl is much more clever (much cleverer) than the boy.

[析] clever有两个比较级:cleverer和more clever,要注意的是不能用比较级来修饰比较级。clever的两个比较级也各有不同之处,如用在两种不同性质的比较时多用more clever,如:He is more clever than honest. (他的聪明要远远超过其诚实。)

[析] The boy is the tallest to the three.

[正] The boy is the tallest of the three.

[析] 最高级的范围要用of加复数形式或加集合名词。

[误] This book is one of the most useful dictionary.

[正] This book is one of the most useful dictionaries.

[析] 在one of 后面最高级形容词后要加可数名词复数。

[误] This dictionary is the much best one of the English Chinese dictionaries.

[正] This dictionary is much the best one of the English Chinese dictionaries.

[析] 在修饰最高级时应用 far/by far/much 加the加最高级。但very例外,如:He is the very best player in the team.

[误] Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China.

[正] Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.

[析] 在比较级中表示比较对象时如用any other其后一般要加单数名词。

[误] Most of stories in this book are written in English.

[正] Most of the stories in this book are written in English.

[正] Most stories in this book are written in English.

[析] "大多数"一词的表达法有most of the +名词,或most+名词。当用前一种结构时,其后面的定冠词不可少。

[误] The temperature of that room is higher than this room.

[正] The temperature of that room is higher than that of this room.

[析] 比较级用于两句话之间时,比较的部分不可省略掉,但为了避免重复,一般都要用that代替前面的单数名词,而用those代替前面的复数名词,如:The books in that box are bigger than those in this box.



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